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Today's society has become increasingly dependent on technology, creating a significant need for professionals well-versed in the skills related to cybersecurity and ethical 黑客.

  • Increasing numbers of technical and security failures threaten America's energy grid, 个人资料、金融机构、政府等.
  • 对具备这些技能的专业人员的需求是巨大的. 据《宝博体育》报道,更多 2015年,美国有超过20万个网络安全职位空缺.S.,和1.500万年 预计到2020年,全球网络安全岗位将出现空缺.
  • The National Security Agency (NSA) has established a 程序 for recognizing excellence 在大学网络安全方面.

单位的网络安全 degree 程序 is unique in that you will be equipped with coding and software engineering skills that will enhance your versatility in the cybersecurity 行业. 虽然大多数网络安全学位从信息安全的角度来研究数据安全 technology approach, SBU’s 程序 approaches data security from a software-engineering 的角度来看.  

Studying cybersecurity and taking ethical 黑客 courses at SBU will equip you to be on the digital frontlines in the ongoing cyber battle between forces of good (innocent individuals, small businesses, corporations, government) and forces of evil (digital 小偷、企业破坏者、恐怖分子).

网络安全学位是通过SBU提供的 专业课程学院


单位的网络安全 程序 received national recognition as one of the first in the 国家 获得ABET的认证.




(SBU is the first school in the greater 斯普林菲尔德, MO area to offer an undergraduate 网络安全学位.)




  • 向包括博士在内的专家教授学习. 吉姆·该隐是一名认证信息系统专家 Security Professional (CISSP) and is a published researcher in the secure coding area, and Meilani康利, who worked for Booz-Hamilton as a security specialist and held 机密的联邦安全许可.
  • Study in a unique degree 程序 developed with advisement by data security professionals.
  • SBU CIS graduates have achieved 100% job placement within six months of graduation 5 在过去的六年里.
  • SBU有一个专门的网络安全实验室.
  • 研究生s from the SBU CIS 程序s typically earn starting salaries ranging from $50,000-$75,000.


单位的网络安全 程序 is dedicated to the intentional integration of Christian 信仰与学术纪律. 例如,每年至少完成一个高级项目 有一个有意的精神焦点的选择. 在过去,这些高级项目 have benefited companies and organizations such as Global Media Outreach, New Tribes 在泰国的宣教团和IMB传教士.

诗篇15 - SBU的专业课程学院和Robert W. 石膏商学院 have a 诗篇15 initiative, which provides intentional integration of faith and academic 纪律. 以诗篇15篇为基础,学院确定了八个字符 这些特质应该是学生和毕业生的标志. 这些字符 在课程作业和特别的系列讲座中强调个性. 高亮显示的 character traits are: Integrity, Service, Respect, Charity, 信仰fulness, Truthfulness, 谦逊与毅力.

道德与专业发展 作为有意的基督教教育的一部分,罗伯特·W·霍普金斯大学的学生. 石膏 College of Business take a senior-level course in 道德与专业发展. 本课程教导基督徒的个人和职业道德,并装备学生 with life skills such as career development, etiquette, and servant leadership, with 培养有道德的商业领袖的目标是成为社会的仆人式领袖 工作场所.

"The faculty have been so helpful in choosing this degree and preparing for my career. They host career fairs for us and have answered any questions I have had about this 新的职业领域."



SBU is home to one of Missouri's top competitive 程序ming teams, with more than 近五年获得20项全国十大奖项. 此外,SBU是2017年CCSC 中南部地区竞赛节目小组冠军! 运用你所学的知识 in the classroom to compete in various regional and national competitions throughout 今年.


SBU的FBLA团队在全国范围内参加各种类别的比赛. 这个团队已经生产了5个 在过去的10年里,他在FBLA全国锦标赛中获得了15次前10名.


Join SBU's chapter of Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest scientific 以及教育计算机协会.


专业课程学院内的精选课程由美国联邦认证委员会认证 商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP). 计算机科学 and 网络安全 程序s are accredited by ABET's Computer Accrediting Commission.

SBU's computer science 程序 is the only ABET-accredited 程序 at an evangelical Christian college within a 500-mile radius of Bolivar, and is one of just six evangelical 全国范围内的基督教机构都可以获得这一认证. 单位的网络安全 程序 is the only ABET-accredited 程序 at an evangelical Christian college within a 800-mile radius of Bolivar, and is one of only two evangelical Christian institutions 在全国范围内获得这一认证. SBU的计算部门 & 数学 是美国福音派基督教机构中唯一的部门.S. 房子 由ABET和ACBSP认证的课程.


SBU is home to one of Missouri's top competitive 程序ming teams with more than 近五年获全国十佳奖项20项.

  • 过去10年7次获得CCSC中原地区冠军
  • AITP全国高校会议13次全国前三名或以上 10年
  • Top-20 team in the Mid-Central United States region at the International Collegiate 从2005年开始每年举办一次编程竞赛


SBU CIS students benefit from the CIS Research Lab, a Windows 7 100 base TX Ethernet networked lab housing three parallel processing platforms, including a multi-hundred 英伟达系统. 实验室主要用于高级项目、工作学习和研究 项目.


你将有机会申请一些私人资助的奖学金. 入选的新生将在第一年获得CIS奖.


The 专业课程学院 is housed in the Gene Taylor National Free Enterprise Center. 泰勒中心进行了扩建和翻新,以提供以下好处 对于我们的学生:

  • Increased number of dedicated study areas and presentation rooms that can be reserved 提前
  • Keycard access for certain majors increases building security while allowing you to access space and equipment after hours to effectively study and work on group 项目
  • 学生休息室和开放空间,学习,放松和闲逛




  • Analyze a complex computing 程序 and apply principles of computing and other relevant 确定解决方案的规程
  • 设计、实现和评估一个基于计算的解决方案,以满足一组给定的 程序规程上下文中的计算需求
  • 在各种专业环境中进行有效的沟通
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice 基于法律和道德原则
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate 这个项目的纪律
  • 应用 security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of 风险和威胁


Within a few years of graduation, graduates the cybersecurity 程序 at Southwest 浸会大学将能够:

  • Communicate effectively with their peers, clients, supervisors and other professional 工作中使用书面和口头沟通
  • Understand how to make rational decisions when faced with social, ethical and legal 计算领域固有的问题
  • 应用 the theoretical framework in the computing 纪律s to the analysis, design 以及问题解决方案和系统的实施
  • Employ the use of computing technology from a Christian 的角度来看 as technological 仆人式领导者在他们选择的职业
  • Pursue continued professional development, advanced degrees, research, and technical 认证(如适用).


  2017-18 2018-19
入学人数 10 15
毕业人数 0